What is a breeze?
A gentle wind that blows at a certain speed.
When does a sea breeze typically occur?
During the day in summer when the land heats faster than the sea.
When does a land breeze typically occur?
At night, when the land cools faster than the sea.
Which breeze happens during the day?
The sea breeze.
How far can the temperature changes from land and sea breezes affect the climate?
About 32-50 km.
What is a land breeze?
A breeze that flows towards the sea from land at night when the land cools faster than the sea.
What direction does a sea breeze flow?
From the sea towards the land.
What direction does a land breeze flow?
From the land towards the sea.
Which breeze happens at night?
The land breeze.
What do land and sea breezes disperse (wash away)?
fog or pollution.
What is a sea breeze?
A breeze that flows from the sea to the land during the day due to unequal heating between land and water.
Why does a sea breeze happen?
Because the land heats up faster than the water during the day, making the air above the land warm, causing it to rise and allowing cooler air from the sea to flow in.
Why is a land breeze shallow?
Because it is formed when the oceans and land lose heat rapidly at night.
Which breeze blows dry winds?
The land breeze.
What happens to the temperature of the land during the day compared to the water?
The land temperature changes by about ten degrees, while the water temperature changes by only one degree.
What is the difference between wind and breeze?
Wind is harsh, while a breeze is a gentle flow of air.
What is one benefit of sea breeze?
It helps moderate the heat in coastal areas and can help prevent storms.
What causes a land breeze?
The land cools faster than the sea, leading to warm air rising over the sea and cooler air flowing from the land.
Which breeze blows moist winds?
The sea breeze.
How do large bodies of water affect coastal communities' climates?
Large bodies of water moderate the temperature, keeping the climate more stable and preventing extreme temperature fluctuations.
This breeze, which occurs during the day, is essential in moderating heat and preventing storms in coastal regions.
What is the sea breeze?