How many people start in a 'Fortnite' battle?
What is 100
The year Minecraft was released
What is 2009
What is considered a perfect game?
What is 300
What year did TikTok come out?
What is September 2016
What holiday is CBS closed on?
What is forth of July.
What natural phenomenon forces the players to come closer to each other?
What is Storm
This item stops mobs from spawning.
What is a torch?
What is it called when you get three strikes in a row?
What is a turkey
What is the main currency?
What is Coins
What time does CBS start?
What is 8am
What is the currency in Fortnite called?
What is V-Bucks
Who is the creator of minecraft?
Who is Notch
What is it called when you get four strikes in a row?
What is a four-bagger
How many people can join a TikTok live together?
What is 6
What time does CBS end?
What is 2:30pm
What company made "Fortnite"?
What is Epic Games
How many food are in minecraft?
What is 41
What is it called when you get all 10 pins down in 2 throws?
What is a spare
How many followers do you need to unlock the ability to go live?
What is 1000
Who announce closing and delay of CBS?
Who is CBS headquarters.
What is the mode without building called?
What is Zero-Build
What was minecraft originally called?
what is Cave Game
What is it called when you get all 10 pins down in one throw?
What is a strike
What is minimal age required to go live on TikTok?
What is 16
How many vans are there in CBS?
What is 11 vans