Why was opheila crying and singing?
The death of her dad.
What does Fennel mean?
“but I cannot choose but weep to think they would lay him i' th' cold ground”
With the death of her father her over-attachment to her father seeps through.
who brought the mob to get claudius?
Why did laertes come back?
The death of his father.
What does Columbine mean?
“What is the cause, Laertes, That thy rebellion looks so giantlike?…Tell me, Laertes, Why thou art thus incens'd. Let him go, Gertrude. Speak, man.”
Claudius is being smart and manipulative, acting as if he does not know why he would act so mad.
who’s words convince gertrude to speak with ophelia?
Horatio when he suggested it to keep her from spreading rumors for the sake of the court.
Who does laertes think killed his father?
What does Rue mean?
Sorrow, Repentance
“Then up he rose and donn’d his clo’es And dupp’d the chamber door, Let in the maid, that out a maid Never departed more.”
Ophelia is singing about how she had lost her purity to hamlet.
why does claudius vow to help Laertes?
To prove his own innocence and protect himself.
What was caludius’ response to Laertes accusing him of killing Palonius?
He tried proving his innocence by vowing to help Laertes avenge his father.
What does Daisy mean?
“Quoth she, ‘Before you tumbled me,You promis‘d me to wed’”
Hamlet told her he’d marry her before they had inapproprate relationsand then failed to do so and she feels betrayed
what does ophelia “hand out” as shes singing in her madness?
symbolic flowers
Who does Opheila beg to speak to at the begining of the scene?
What does violet mean?
“Twere good she were spoken with; for she may strew Dangerous conjectures in ill-breeding minds”
horatio is taking in how mad ophelia is acting and is suggesting that they take care of her for the sake of the court so she dosent go spreading rumor in her madness.
where is hamlet during all of this?
in England