Santiago met the gypsy here
What is Tarifa?
This person helped Santiago understand the language of the world
Who is Fatima?
This helped Santiago start his journey
What is a dream?
These creature are a vision about war
What are hawks?
The Caravan leader said this before they entered the desert
What is "The desert is a capriousis lady"?
Santiago came to this place to earn money and get his sheep back
What is Tangier?
This person was talking about Prophet Yousef's story
Who is the tribesman leader?
This was helping Santiago get to the oasis
What is the Carvan?
The old man gave Santiago these things from his breastplate
What are Urim and Thumim?
This soul speaks many languages
What is the World?
One of the tribesman's dream was here
What is the old church?
This person was born in Salem
Who is Melchizedek?
This place helped Santiago understand the language of the world
What is the oasis?
The omen Santiago's grandfather taught him about
What is a butterfly?
This symbol Falcons flight over the green fields
What is Love?
The place where art was on the walls and ceilings
What is the palace?
Santiago met him at Al-Fayoum near the palm trees
Who is the Alchemist?
This place is where his heart tells him where his treasure is
What is the Pyramids?
This creature is a symbol of God
What is a scrap beatle?
This Caravan leader said this place is huge and distant
What is the Desert?
Santiago was reading on stair steps here
What is Andulisia?
This person was reciting a type of prayer
Who is the Gypsy woman?
This helps Santiago become and Alchemist
What is the Soul of the World?
Something that Santiago unexpectedly found in the desert
What is a Seashell?
Santiago said this to it, "we were all made by the same hand and we have the same soul"
What is the Wind?