In what movie there are two robot falling in love with each other ?
What is the word for a strange rock flying in the space ?
An asteroid
Say me randomly one movie where there is an alien.
If you said E.T, you are eliminated !
Name 3 planets of our solar system
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
Where is this image from ?(the movie)
I am a legend
What is the meaning of "gaze" ?
To stare at
How many alien's film exist ?
What is the first star to rise at night ?
What films presented Rebecca the first day of the topic ?
Wall-E, Hunger game, dune
Complete the sentence...
The radio presenter just ... fake news.
Where he is from (which film) ?
In what year did human go to the moon?
What is the first distopian film that has been created ?
-The strange island
3 synonym of to spie :
To snoop
To scrutinize
To soar
What is the meaning of UFO ?
Unidentified flying object
What is the distance between the earth and the moon ?
384 400 km
What is the date of the creation of "metropolis" ?
Make a sentence with 2 vocabulary words in a narrative tense.
What percentage of Americans believe in aliens?
How many times larger is the sun than the earth?
109 times the diameter of Earth