This man was known for his strength, which he lost when his hair was cut by Delilah
Who is Samson
This parable tells the story of a son who asks for his inheritance early and squanders it only to return home to his father who welcomes him back with open arms
What is the Prodigal Son
Jonah was swallowed by this large sea creature after he tried to run from God’s command
What is a big fish or whale
This disciple is known for doubting Jesus’ resurrection until he saw the wounds for himself
Who is Thomas
This book tells the story of Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt and receiving the Ten Commandments
What is Exodus
This woman became queen of Persia and risked her life to save her people from destruction
Who is Esther
In this parable, a sower scatters seeds, and the different types of soil represent how people receive the message of the Kingdom of God.
What is the Parable of the Sower
This bird, representing peace, returned to Noah’s ark with an olive leaf, signaling that the floodwaters had receded
What is the dove
This disciple was a tax collector before following Jesus and is the author of the first Gospel in the New Testament
Who is Matthew
This book of wisdom literature is a collection of sayings and proverbs, largely attributed to King Solomon
What is Proverbs
This man was the first to walk on water after Jesus called him to come but he began to sink when he doubted
Who is Peter
This parable compares the Kingdom of Heaven to a mustard seed that grows into a large tree, illustrating how something small can grow into something great.
What is the Parable of the Mustard Seed
This animal was sent by God to feed Elijah in the wilderness
What is a raven
This disciple was the brother of John and part of the inner cicle of Jesus along with Peter and John
Who is James
This Old Testament book contains prophecies about the coming Messiah, including the famous passage about "a virgin shall conceive."
What is Isaiah
This judge and prophetess led Israel with wisdom and courage calling Barak to lead the army against Cannaites
Who is Deborah
In this parable, a lost coin is found after being searched for diligently, symbolizing God’s joy over one sinner who repents.
What is the Parable of the Lost Coin
This animal told Balaam, the prophet, to warn him against his actions
What is a donkey
This disciple, known for his zeal, was also called "the Zealot" and is sometimes confused with Simon Peter
Who is Simon or Simon the Zealot
This letter was written by Paul to the Christians in Rome, discussing salvation and the righteousness of God
What is Romans
This prophet had a showdown with 450 prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel and called down fire from heaven
Who is Elijah
A man is thrown into prison after he cannot pay a large debt, but the king forgives him, and then he throws a fellow servant into prison for a small debt.
What is the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant
This creature, part of a vision in the book of Revelation, had a head like a lion, feet like a bear, and wings like a leopard
What is a beast
This disciple was the brother of Peter and one of the first to follow Jesus
Who is Andrew
This book has 66 chapters, with prophecies of the coming Messiah and God's judgment on the nations.
What is Isaiah