Promises and Blessings
Abraham and Isaac
Joseph and his Brothers

What did God do to create the world?

He spoke. Gen. 1:3 - And God said, let there be light; and there was light.


What did God promise Abraham and Sarah?

A son (Isaac) and abundant offspring, the promised land (Canaan)


Why did God tell Abraham to sacrifice Isaac to Him?

God wanted to test Abraham's faith.


Why did Jacob flee to his uncle Laban's house?

He stole the birthright from Esau and fled to escape Esau's wrath.


Who did Joseph's brothers sell him to?

A caravan of Ishmaelites going to Egypt


Who walked with God? Gen. 5:24



What did God show to Noah after the flood and what did it mean?

The rainbow: God would never again flood the entire earth


Why was Lot's wife turned into a pillar of salt?

She looked back at the burning city of Sodom even though she was told not to. She was still attached to the pleasures of sin and didn't fully let them go.


Where did Jacob wrestle with God?



Where did Joseph and Jacob tell their children to bury them?

Canaan (the promised land)


How did Satan convince Eve to eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil?

Satan told her she wouldn't die from eating it, and that the fruit would make her as wise as God.

What did God reveal to Rebecca before she gave birth to Jacob and Esau?

They will become two separate nations and the older (Esau) will serve the younger (Jacob). Gen. 25:23


Why did Abram tell the Egyptians that Sarai was his sister?

Sarai was very beautiful, so Abram was afraid the Egyptians would kill him in order to marry her.


What did God change Jacob's name to and what does it mean?

Israel, One who struggles with God


Why did God allow Joseph to be sold to Egypt?

God used Joseph to prepare for the famine and save the lives of the Israelites, Egyptians, and others.

What does Noah's ark symbolize?

The church


Why did God allow Jacob to get the birthright?

Jacob truly wanted it and saw the value of the blessing, while Esau overlooked its importance and didn't care much about it. Ex. Esau traded his birthright for a bowl of lentil stew.


God changed Abram and Sarai's names into Abraham and Sarah. What do these new names mean?

Abraham: father of many  Sarah: princess


Name the wives of Jacob (including concubines).

Leah, Rachel, Bilhah, and Zilpah

Describe one of Joseph's dreams. Why did this make his brothers angry?

1. His brothers' sheaves of wheat bowed down to his

2. The sun (Jacob), moon (Rachel and other wives), and stars (brothers) bowed down to Joseph

These dreams made his brothers angry because they did not believe Joseph would rule over them (pride) and thought he was just delusional.


Recite Gen. 1:26. Hint: And God said, Let Us...

Gen. 1:26 - And God said, Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of heaven and over the cattle and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.


Which of Noah's sons did Noah curse and why?

Ham's son, Canaan. Ham saw the nakedness of his father and instead of covering him, told his two brothers outside. This was disrespectful and caused Ham's descendants to be cursed.


Why did God choose Abraham to be the father of His chosen people?

Abraham had faith in God and followed His calling.


Why did God allow Laban to deceive Jacob?

As punishment for deceiving Isaac for the birthright


How many years did Joseph stay in prison? Did he stay faithful to God?

2 years; yes
