this account is for daily spending
checking account
you use this machin to take out money
the money you have in your bank account
money you borrow and must pay back
the person who helps you at the front desk
bank teller
this account helps save money
saving account
you can send money to another person using this
bank transfer
extra money the bank gives you for keeping your money in a saving account
plastic card that lets you buy things now and pay later
credit card
the person who helps you get a loan
loan officer
this account helps you save money for when you stop working
retirement account
you can check your money and pay bills using your phone or computer
online banking
when you spend more money than you have in your account
a loan used to buy a house
the person who gives advice on saving and investing money
financial advisor
this acccount earns intrestes but need bigger balance
market account
the bank keeps your valuable items safe in this
deposit box
the fee the bank charges you when you dont have enough money
overdraft fee
your score that shows if you are good at paying back money
credit score
the person who runs the whole bank branch
branch manager