Before lava reaches the surface, the molten material is called this
Order the types of seismic waves from the first to arrive at a sensing station to the last to arrive.
P waves, S waves, Surface Waves
The 3 types of plate boundaries are...
Divergent, Convergent, Transform
The block of rock that lies above a fault is called this
hanging wall
This is the theory that the Earth's lithosphere is divided into tectonic plates that move around on top of the Asthenosphere
Plate Tectonics
When many layers of thin, runny lava build up a high, level area, the result is this
Lava Plateau
The point beneath Earth's surface where rock breaks under stress and triggers an Earthquake is known as this
the Focus
At a divergent boundary, this occurs
two tectonic plates seperate
The rock that lies under a hanging wall at a fault is this
foot wall
Tectonic plates can include oceanic crust and this
continental crust
A hole left by the collapse of a volcanic mountain when the magma chamber empties is this
a Caldera
This type of seismic wave can travel through both liquids and solids.
P Wave
At a convergent boundary, this occurs
two plates collide
This fault occurs when the hanging wall moves down the foot wall
Normal Fault
Wegener created his theory of Continental Drift based on these pieces of evidence
fossil, rock, climate, shapes of today's continents
When ash, cinders, and volcanic bombs build up in a steep pile around a volcano's vent, the result is this
a Cinder Cone Volcano
Seismic Waves
At a transform boundary, this occurs
two plates slide past each other horizontally
This fault occurs when the hanging wall moves up the foot wall
Reverse Fault
The dense lithosphere that can be found at the ocean floor is known as this
Oceanic Lithosphere or Oceanic Crust
Tall, cone shaped mountains in which layers of lava and pyroclastic materials alternate is this type of volcano
Composite Volcano
A seismograph records this
ground movements caused by seismic waves
This occurs when one plate moves under another, creating new magma
This fault occurs when two fault blocks slide past one another
Strike Slip Fault
The solid, less dense lithosphere is called this
Continental Lithosphere or Continental Crust