What is the days supply for a patient that is FKC responsible for their binder?
30 days
You can order a binder without FERA approval
Who all owns compliance?
We all do
Where can I go to review a patients fluid status in detail to determine if EDW is appropriate and to review IDWG’s on a larger scale?
The Fluid Dashboard
I have a patient that scored high on their food security survey. Who would be the best person to partner with to explore available resources for the patient?
Per FERA, how many binders can a patient be on at one time?
How long may a prior authorization take for binder approval/denial?
10-14 days
What is the name of the newest calcium algorithm?
MAB Recommended Calcium Evaluation and Management Algorithm (InCenter and Home Hemodialysis) Version 3.0
How soon after a patient discharges from the hospital should a post-hospitalization assessment be completed?
14 days
The Dietitian _____ is a monthly publication sent to dietitians every month to share important information related to nutrition services.
Where do you see if a patient is FKC responsible?
The ecube clinical binder order
If a patient is not FKC responsible they cannot fill their medication with FRX
I can titrate an in-center BMM medication order and not document on it.
False. What is the correct documentation?
What tool can I use to help me develop an action plan that is measurable and specific to my needs?
Action Plan Assistant
When should I complete a BMM assessment?
When a binder change is being recommended by the RD
Where do you go to discontinue a binder order?
Ecube clinicals. What’s the next step?
Where can I find the delivery and shipping information on a binder that was filled with FreseniusRX?
The FRX tab of the patient profile in CareTeamHub
What online resource is available to to expand on my career and self-development skills?
The University
How many times can I update an action plan before I have to close it or create a new one?
When do you complete a food security survey on a patient?
New admissions and next CIA for existing patients
What is the date of the next open forum for FERA/eCC order entry?
February 19th
What does FERA stand for?
Formulary Exception Request Application
What are the FKC core values?
Excellence, collaboration, reliability and proactive
How many lab results per month will be included in my QAI data for albumin and the BMM labs?
What is the name of the newest phosphorus algorithm?
MAB Recommended Evaluation and Treatment of Hyperphosphatemia (InCenter and Home) Version 2.0