What innervates the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles?
What is CN XI (spinal accessory nerve)?
What parasite acts as a teratogen and is found in cat feces?
What is Toxoplasma gondii?
What is the most common route that bacterial, viral, fungal, and parasitic infections spread to the CNS?
What is hematogenous spread (bloodstream infection)?
What is the single most effective agent in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease?
What is Levodopa (Levodopa-Carbidopa)?
What is a defect in language processing caused by dysfunction of the dominant cerebral hemisphere?
What is aphasia?
Which cerebellar peduncle mainly carries outputs from the cerebellum?
What is the superior cerebellar peduncle?
What is an intestinal infection with adult tapeworms that is caused by ingestion of contaminated pork?
What is Taenia solium?
A lumbar puncture reveals cloudy, purulent CSF with increased WBC, low glucose, high protein, and increased opening pressure. What is the cause of her infection?
What is bacterial/pyogenic meningitis?
What agent may be used to reduce inflammation, prevents excessive intracranial pressure (ICP), and decreases neuronal injury?
What is Dexamethasone (steroid)? (Bonus: Do not delay antibiotics to administer dexamethasone)
What is characterized by intact auditory comprehension, fluent speech production, but poor speech repetition?
What is conduction aphasia?
What muscle depresses the mandible and tenses the lower face & anterior neck?
What is the platysma?
Which parasite is transmitted via contact lenses, diagnosed via microscopy of corneal scraping, and causes severe eye pain, photophobia, blurred vision, and corneal ring infiltrate?
What is Acanthamoeba?
A pregnant woman ate deli meats. Her baby is born with bacterial meningitis. What is it caused by?
What is Listeria monocytogenes?
What is the first-line treatment for Neisseria meningitides and Haemophilus influenzae?
What are third-generation cephalosporins (e.g., ceftriaxone or cefotaxime)?
What are impairments in reading or writing ability, respectively, that are caused by deficits in central language processing and not by simple sensory or motor deficits?
What is alexia and agraphia?
Lesions of which lobe cause unsteady gait (truncal ataxia) and eye movement abnormalities?
What are midline lesions of the cerebellar vermis or flocculonodular lobes?
Which trophozoite (infectious form) enters through nasal mucosa, is found in warm freshwater, and is nearly always fatal?
What is Naegleria spp.?
A patient recently went swimming in a dirty pool and he developed chronic meningitis. What is it caused by?
What is Leptospira spp.?
Which pharmacological agents can be used to determine the level of the lesion in Horner’s syndrome?
What are indirect-acting sympathomimetics (e.g. cocaine or amphetamine)?
What is the inability to carry out an action in response to verbal command, in the absence of any comprehension deficit, motor weakness, or incoordination?
What is apraxia?
What is a fluid-filled cavity in the midline of the neck, just inferior to the hyoid bone?
What is a thyroglossal duct cyst?
Humans acquire third-stage larvae by ingesting contaminated raw snails, slugs, or vegetables. The larvae migrate to the CNS but fail to mature in humans (dead-end hosts). Larvae trigger an intense inflammatory response in the CNS, resulting in immune-mediated damage. What is this parasite?
What is Angiostrongylus cantonensis (Rat Lungworm)?
Which gram-positive, branching filamentous bacteria is a focal infection that produces sulfur granules in pus?
What is Actinomyces spp.?
What is the prophylactic treatment for those in contact with cases of bacterial meningitis?
What is rifampin?
What causes effortful, poorly articulated speech sometimes referred to as foreign accent syndrome, but it is accompanied with normal written language and functional speech centers?
What is aphemia?