What was the primary goal of the Dawes Act
To assimilate Native Americans by dividing tribal lands into individual allotments.
Which industry was dominated by Andrew Carnegie during the Gilded Age?
The steel industry.
Which immigrant group was targeted by the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882?
Chinese immigrants.
What is laissez-faire economics?
An economic system with minimal government interference in business.
What ideology justified U.S. imperialism by promoting the idea of “civilizing” non-Western peoples?
The White Man’s Burden.
How did the Dawes Act impact Native American culture?
It caused the loss of tribal lands and weakened traditional cultural structures.
What term describes the belief that the wealthy have a moral obligation to give back to society?
The Gospel of Wealth.
This tragedy in New York City's garment district was one of the worst workplace disasters of the early twentieth century, and as a result new work-place safety standard were implemented.
The Triangle shirt-waist fire
Which act aimed to reform civil service by requiring merit-based hiring, following the assassination of President Garfield.
The Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act (1883).
What war led to the U.S. acquiring Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines?
The Spanish-American War (1898).
What key event marked the end of Native American armed resistance in the West?
The Wounded Knee Massacre (1890).
What labor event in 1894 involved a nationwide railroad strike and federal troop intervention?
The Pullman Strike
What drivers led to urban growth in the late 19th century?
Industrialization, migration, and economic opportunities in cities.
What Supreme Court case legalized racial segregation under the "separate but equal" doctrine?
Plessy v. Ferguson (1896).
What U.S. policy aimed to promote equal trade rights in China?
The Open Door Policy.
What was the significance of the Battle of Little Bighorn (1876)?
It was a major Native victory, but led to harsher U.S. military campaigns.
Which labor union was led by Samuel Gompers with a focused on skilled workers?
The American Federation of Labor (AFL).
What Progressive reformer exposed urban poverty with the book How the Other Half Lives?
Jacob Riis.
What legislation was designed to regulate monopolies and promote fair competition?
The Sherman Antitrust Act (1890).
What term describes exaggerated journalism designed to attract readers and influence public opinion?
Yellow journalism.
What legislation aimed to break up Native American tribal lands and promote assimilation?
The Dawes Act (1887)
Which event highlighted the federal government’s tendency to side with big business during labor disputes?
The Homestead Strike (1892).
What was the main purpose of the Homestead Act of 1862?
To encourage westward settlement by providing free land to settlers.
What was the goal of the Populist Party in the late 19th century?
To advocate for free silver, direct election of senators, and railroad regulation.
What 19th-century economic debate centered around the gold standard vs. bimetallism?
The Free Silver Movement.