What city do we live ?
What city does the EAGLES play for?
Who won the Super Bowl 59?
Kensington HS
What high school do you go to?
Black History Month
What history is taught in February?
What state is Philadelphia in?
Who is the Eagles Mascot?
Kansas City Chiefs
Who lost the Superbowl?
Dr. Lebron
Who is the principal?
Valentines Day
What holiday is for love?
Kensington Ave
What is the street that runs under the EL?
The Linc
Where do the Eagles play home games?
Kendrick Lamar and SZA
Who sang during the half time show?
2215 E. Cumberland Ave
What is the address for Kensington HS?
Presidents Day
What February holiday has a 3 day weekend?
What is the name of the Philadelphia baseball team?
Jaylon Hurts
Who plays for the EAGLES?
New Orleans
Where was the Super Bowl played?
Ms. Zeller
Who is your social skills teacher?
How many days are in February?
Mayor Cherell Parker
Who is the mayor of Philadelphia?
What the Eagles song?
Yellow gatorade
What color was the gatorade at the super bowl?
Ms. Fedorka
Who helps special ed classes?
2nd month
What number month is February?