How did Mother Jones feel about children
What is love?
What historical event was taking place during this time?
What is the Industrial Revolution?
What was the main reason that young children were sent off to factories to work for little pay?
What is poor families getting as much money as they can, even lying about their children's ages?
What is Mr. Stitt's first name?
Why did Mother Jones lead the march?
What is gaining awareness of child labor?
Why did parents put their young children to work?
What is cheap child labor
What is a negative connotation in the text "Mother Jones"?
Answers may vary
Who just won the Superbowl?
Who are the Philadelphia Eagles?
What President did Mother Jones write to?
What is President Theodore Roosevelt?
What historical landmark on tour inspired Mother Jones' march?
What is the Philadelphia Liberty Bell?
What was the name of the boy who sat on a stool for 11 hours a day passing around thread for $3 a week?
Who is Eddie Dunphy?
Florida is the _ capitol of the world
What did Mother Jones out the children in the attract crowds?
What is a cage?
What college did Mother Jones talk at?
What is Princeton?
What was the reason for Mother Jones putting the children in cages?
What is suggesting that children were trapped like caged animals in factories and mines?
What is national animal of Scotland?
What is the Unicorn?
What act was passed in 1938 after Mother Jones died?
What is the Fair Labor Act of 1938?
Where did Mother Jones take the remaining strikers to meet the president at?
What is Sagamore Hill?
What does the phrase "Barefooted little girls and boys reached their tiny hands into the treacherous machinery to repair snapped threads or crawled underneath the machinery to oil it" suggest?
What is children working in dangerous situations for little pay?
The tributes from which district in the 75th Hunger Games had no speaking role in the movie?
What is district 6?