“Made to melt you” is the slogan for which chocolate manufacturer’s truffles?
What is Lindt?
“You complete me” is a classic line from what 1996 romantic comedy?
Jerry Maguire
What state produces the most roses?
Which state in the US is named after love
With a population of 108 people, which state is home to the town of Valentine?
According to the U.S. Census, which two states are home to the most chocolate makers?
What are California and Pennsylvania?
In the movie “Sleepless in Seattle,” where do Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan meet face-to-face for the first time?
Empire State Building
How may stems of roses are sold on Valentines day every year?
189 million
In what country do women give men chocolates on Valentines day?
What country celebrates Friendship day instead of Valentines day?
how many cocoa beans does it take to make a pound of chocolate?
In “Titanic,” what's the name of Rose's necklace?
The Heart of the Ocean
What percent of flowers purchased on Vday are red?
69% (awkward)
Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis met on the set of
that 70sshow
What major invention was patented on Valentines day?
The telephone
What is the melting point of chocolate?
86-90 degrees F
Which film does this line come from? “Of all the gin joints in all the towns, in all the world, she walks into mine.”
Vanilla comes from which plant?
What is the smallest country in the world?
Vatican City
What country has a holiday on the 14th of every month?
South Korea
What does "M & M's" stand for?
Mars and Murrie
In Pretty Woman, what is Edward scared of?
What do yellow roses symbolize?
What planet is closest to Earth?
Which country consumes the highest amount of candy per capita?