Q: Who is Henry's friend?
A: Chin.
True or false: The Earth is solid.
A: False: the earth is not solid, the outer core is liquid.
Q: What caused the Ham and Egg fire?
A: A woman cooking ham and eggs after the earthquake.
100 Bonus points if you said a woman cooking ham and eggs unaware of her collapsed chimney.
Q: What does the Richter scale (Pg 17) mean?
A: A numerical scale for expressing the magnitude of an earthquake.
Q: What do the people of Chinatown think caused the earthquake?
A: The earth dragon awaking.
Q: What causes earthquakes?
A: Two tectonic plates rubbing against each other.
Q: Where we did the Travises go the night before?
A: To an Opera.
Q: What does sullen mean (Pg 86)?
A: Dark or gloomy.
Q: What country are Chin, Ah Sing, and Ah Quon from?
A: China.
Q: What are the layers of earth (In order).
A: Crust, Mantle, Core.
100 Bonus points if you answered with Crust, Mantle, Outer core, Inner core.
Q: What did the Travises use to rescue the Smiths?
A: They used a ladder.
Q: What does crowbar (Pg 30) mean?
A: An iron bar with a flattened end, used as a lever.
Q: Who is Chin's Father?
A: Ah Sing.
Q: What city did the people of San Francisco retreat to?
A: Okland.
Q: What did the firemen do to stop the fire?
A: Make firebreaks.
Q: What does tenement (Pg 23) mean?
A: An apartment.
Q: Where does Ah Sing work?
A: He works at the Travises house.
Q: What tectonic plates were involved in the San Francisco Earthquake of 1906?
A: The Pacific plate and North American plate.
Q: What family's house collapsed on them?
A: The roses.
Q: What does surrey (Pg 38) mean?
A: A light four-wheeled carriage with two seats