What is the third kind of monk?
Longest psalm?
Where did Paul see a pagan altar inscribed "To the Unknown God?"
What was the first vegetable grown in space?
In October 1995, NASA and the University of Wisconsin-Madison collaborated to grow the first vegetable in space when astronauts aboard the Space Shuttle Columbia tested seed potato production in its Astroculture plant growth facility.
What is the first step of humility?
Unhesitating obedience
Name of the person Gregory is telling the life of Benedict to?
What is the first line of Psalm 1?
Blessed is the man who does not walk
in the counsel of the wicked,
Who was Noah's great grandfather?
What color were carrots originally?
The modern day carrot wasn't cultivated until Dutch growers in the late 16th century took mutant strains of the purple carrot and gradually developed them into the sweet, plump, orange variety we have today.
How much bread do the monks get every day?
A generous pound
What does Benedict throw out the window?
Which Psalm describes how well the Lord knows man, starting with the line, "LORD, you have probed me, you know me "?
What bit Paul while he was shipwrecked on the island of Malta?
Snake or Viper
ACTS 28:1-5:
Which vegetable did U.S. President George H. W. Bush especially dislike?
"I do not like broccoli," Bush revealed in 1990, "and I haven't liked it since I was a little kid, and my mother made me eat it, and I'm president of the United States, and I'm not going to eat any more broccoli."
What is the last sentence of the Rule?
After that, you can set out for the loftier summits of the teaching and virtues we mentioned above, and under God's protection you will reach them. Amen.
Name of the king of the Goths who tried to trick Benedict by dressing up another man, Riggo, as the king.
King Totila
How many instruments are mentioned in Psalm 150?
What King died after seeing the handwriting on the wall?
What was declared a vegetable by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1893?
Chapter 40 is about?
The proper amount of drink.
How did St. Scholastica pray?
Which of the Twelve Apostles is the patron saint of Armenia?
Jude the Apostle is the patron saint of Armenia, along with Saint Bartholemew.
What is the world record for eating the most peas in one hour using only chopsticks?
In 1984 Janet Harris of Sussex, UK set a world record by eating 7,175 peas in one hour, picking them up one at time with chopsticks. That's an average of roughly two peas per second!