Napiš keltský kmen (strain) který se usadil v Čechách?
What were ziggurats(zikkuraty)?
who was Ishtar(Ištar)?
Goddess of love and fertility.
Was Upper(horní) Egypt located in the north or in the south?
In the south.
What did they use to turn the clay pots(nádoby)?
On a rotary potter's wheel.
What they made from reeds?
Foundation structures of houses and simple boats.
What were the names of the inhabitants(obyvatelé) of the Babylonian Empire?
Semitic tribes.
What grew by the Nile(Nil) River? Write in Czech
What was the basis of society(společnost) among the Celts?
Family and Lineage.
What year did the Sumerians settle(usadili) in Southern Mesopotamia? Write in Czech.
3500 př.n.l.
Who created one of the oldest and still preserved codes(zákoník) of law? Write in Czech.
Did the Egyptians also worship goddesses(bohyně)?
What did they worship(uctívali) besides the gods?
Animals, trees and plants.
Which people enjoyed(požívali) the highest respect among the Sumerians? Write in Czech.
kněží a panovníci.
What did Ishtar bear(neslo) the name in Babylon?
What did the Egyptian gods(bohové) look like? Write in Czech.
Měli zvířecí hlavu a lidské tělo.
What were the names of the fortified settlements( opevněná hradiště) that the Celts built?
Why is their font called cuneiform(klínové)?
Because it resembled a wedge.
What happened to the breadth(říše) after the death of Nabudkadnezar II.
Why did the Egyptians build a maze of corridors(spleť chodeb) inside the pyramids?
To confuse thieves.