What are two mineral resources the Olmec controlled?
Obsidian and Jade
Huge stone pyramids with steps that may have been used as temples were built by whom?
The Maya
A shiny green stone.
The first people to arrive in Latin America were not ancestors of today's Native Americans.
True or False
How many people lived in Tenochtitlan?
What were the rafts called the Aztecs used to grow crops?
Floating Gardens
Tenochtitlan became the largest city in the world by what era?
The 1400s.
Hard, black, volcanic glass.
War was important to the Aztec culture.
True or False.
Maize, beans, squash
Hiram Bingham
A form of writing using signs and symbols.
Why is the number 20 significant to the Maya?
Because they developed a counting system based on the number 20.
Why was war important to the Aztec culture?
Because it demanded tribute and respect from those they conquered.
What were the floating gardens filled with?
Irrigation systems, roads, and suspension bridges.
What is an empire?
Many different lands under one ruler.
The Maya lived here from 300 - 900 A.D.
Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula
What happened in 1521?
Groups conquered and enslaved by the Aztec joined together with European invaders and conquered the Aztec. The empire then fell.
The Olmec also mined turquoise.
True or False
What were some things Tenochtitlan had that made it the largest city in the world by the 1400s?
Roads, Bridges, and Buildings over 100 feet tall.
Describe floating gardens.
Rafts filled with mud, they would sink to the lake bottom, pile up, and form fertile islands farmers uses to grow crops.
This civilization lasted from 1500 B.C. - 300 B.C.
The Olmec
What made the Maya civilization so great?
They grew enough food to feed their people and trade with other groups.