Which type includes active play and rough and tumble play?
Physical play
What is the reason parents have that cause play deprivation?
What is the strategy to include play before and after organized sport?
Pre practice and post practice Play
What is the constant aspect when dealing with challenges
Finding balance
What are the 3 social and physical effects of Free play?
Social Skills, Creativity, Coordination/Balance
What 2 type of play includes sports?
Games with Rules and Physical play
What are 4 reasons for play deprivation?
Over-scheduling, poverty, government education, risk
What does free play physical effects are also included is rough and tumble play?
Coordination and balance
What is the challenge that includes bullying and arguments among children?
Which skill is increased by using play as a way to cope?
Emotional self-regulation
Which types of play is closely related sensorimotor play?
Play with objects
Which disorder comes from play deprivation?
Nature deficit disorder
High levels of participation in organized activities leads to _______ and ______.
pressure and burn out
______ is important at all ages and balance needs to be considered for success.
Free Play
Colouring and sewing develop what kind of skills?
Fine motor skills
What type of play is used often as a coping strategy?
Pretence/Socio-dramatic play
From the 2012 study what was the percentage of how much kids playing outside unsupervised decreased by
Curiosity is a Motivator! What are 2 out of the 3 developmental aspects free play can lead to?
Problem solving
pattern recognition
critical thinking
Name the 3 types of challenges for sports teams
Coach Control
Team Dynamics
Age Differences/Level of Competition
From the Van Schie and Wiegman found no significant relationship between the amount of time spent on video games and _________.
Aggressive behaviour