What is Ecology?
Ecology is everything around us-animals,trees,flowers,water,and air.
When was born Chyngyz Aitmatov?
Chyngyz Aitmatov was born 12th December 1928
What is the full name of USA?
The United State of America
Names the national symbols of Kyrgyzstan
The symbols of Kyrgyzstan are the national flag,the national flag, the national emblem,and the national enthem
Can you name Kyrgyz national sports games?
At chabysh,Kok boru,Tyin engmei,Kyz kuumai,
What books by Chyngyz Aitmatov have you read?
Chyngyz Aitmatovs first story,Jamilia,Face to Face,Gulsary, The first Teacher,The Girl with Red Scarf,The White Steamship.
How many states are there in the USA?
Who was the first president of the USA?
George Washington
How many stripes are there on the flag?
What do Americans celebrate on the 4th of july?
The Independence Day