The deadliest animal at Camp Green Lake.
What is a yellow-spotted lizard?
The person who began the Yelnats family curse.
Who is Elya Yelnats?
The Warden jabs this camper with a pitchfork.
Who is Armpit?
Drinking Sploosh gives Zero these, but not Stanley.
Zero digs part of Stanley's hole in exchange for this.
What are reading and writing lessons?
The last time it rained at Camp Green Lake at the start of the story.
What is over 100 years ago?
The descendant of Trout Walker and Kate Barlow's former student.
Who is the Warden/Ms. Walker?
He is a car-thief who appears for only one chapter in the book.
Who is Twitch?
They think it would be easier to teach a shovel to read than Zero.
Who is Mr. Pendanski?
Kate Barlow's and Stanley's father's secret ingredient.
What are peaches?
The measurements of a Camp Green Lake hole.
What is 5 feet deep by 5 feet wide?
Stanley's father's occupation.
What is an inventor?
Barfbag is absent at the start of the story because of this.
What is a rattlesnake bite?
The place Zero waited at for a month for his mother.
What is the playscape at Laney Park?
The name of the boat Zero finds in the desert.
What is the Mary Lou?
The color of a yellow-spotted lizard's tongue.
What is white?
The birthplace of Stanley's no-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing-great-great grandfather.
What is Latvia?
Magnet wants to be this when he grows up.
What is a monkey trainer?
The true reason for Camp Green Lake.
What is Kate Barlow's treasure?
Ironically, this person is the reason Stanley is found innocent at the end of the story.
Who is Derrick Dunne?
The first "treasure" Stanley's find while digging.
What is a fish fossil?
Elya Yelnats's wife and Stanley's great-great grandmother.
Who is Sarah Miller?
The camper who always stands at the front of the line to get water.
Who is X-Ray?
The snitch who turned the village of Green Lake on Sam and Kate.
Who is Hattie Parker?
These two characters are both described as having "smiles that are too wide for their face".
Who are Zero and Madame Zeroni?