What year did FFA begin
What are the FFA official Colors
National Blue and Corn Gold
Who was the first FFA president
Leslie Applegate
When was the first virtual convention?
What year did we adopt our official colors?
Who wrote the creed? What does E.M. stand for
E.M. Tiffany Erwin Milton
Who was the first Puerto Rican national officier
Jose Santiago
Where was NFA founded
Tuskegee, AL
What year did NFA and FFA merge
What did the FFA change its name to?
National FFA organization
Who was the first African American national officier
Fred McClure
Where was the first FFA headquarters located
Alexandria, VA
What year did the Smith Hughes act take place
What state was the last state chartered
Who was the first female national president
Jan Eberly
What year was the first female national officer elected
Julie Smiley
What year did public law 740 come into play
What did the Morrill act accomplish
Created ag colleges
Who was the first female african american national officer
Breanna Holbert
Name all three locations where national convention has been held
Kansas City Mo
Louisville KY
Indianapolis IN