(adj.) Developed or created at the very beginning; going back to the most ancient times or earliest stage
What is primordial?
Depraved, reprehensible
What is nefarious?
Calm, composed, collected
What is distraught?
Her dog had ran away, leaving her _______ while she frantically searched for him.
(adj) Founded upon or involving a visionary view of an ideal world; impractical
What is utopia?
(v.) To display clearly, to make evident, to provoke
What is evince?
Uncommon, unexpected, atypical
What is unwonted?
Runny, watery, aqueous
What is viscous?
The wicked witch was brewing a potion in her cauldron, preparing something dangerous for her ______ plan.
What is nefarious?
(n.) The wasting away of a body organ or tissue; any progressive decline or failure
(v.) To waste away
What is atrophy?
(v.) To romp or prance around exuberantly; to make merry
What is cavort?
Denounce, censure, devalue
What is decry?
Competent, capable, effective
The ruined buildings of a long ______ mine, once used long ago.
What is defunct?
(n.) A comment indicating strong criticism or disapproval
What is animadversion?
(adj.) No longer in existence or functioning, dead
What is defunct?
Unlucky, unfortunate
What is hapless?
Garrulous, verbose, loquacious
What is laconic?
His essay was full of ______, so he decided to revise it, taking some parts to make it less wordy.
What is verbiage?
(v) To proclaim or issue officially; to make known far and wide
What is promulgate?
(v.) To make suitable repayment, as for a kindness, service, or favor; to make retaliation, as for an injury or wrong; to reciprocate
What is requite?
Verbosity, prolixity, diction, jargon
What is verbiage?
Apex, pinnacle, zenith
What is nadir?
The faith of the group have reached it's _____, their once high hopes being a all time low.
What is nadir?
(n) Formal praise; eulogy
What is encomium?