An Australian neurologist who is known as the father of psychoanalysis.
Sigmund Freud
Percentage of doctors in the US are black
The first African American President of the United States
Barack Obama
Joshua is a 6 year old referred to for an evaluation with a school psychologist. The teacher says he has trouble following direction is distractible, barges in on conversations, doesn't like to wait in line, talks excessively, and is constantly in motion.
The frontal lobe of the brain is primarily responsible for these higher-order cognitive functions, including decision-making and impulse control.
Executive functions
Percentage of black doctors attended an HBCU
This African American woman is best known for creating hair products for African American women
Madam Cj Walker
Following a suicide attempt, Morris is teary when you interview him and looks at the ground as he speaks. He can't sleep and hasn't had an appetite, losing 15 pounds. Can't concentrate. He doesn't see himself improving so he wants to kill himself. His marriage ended one month ago.
Major depressive disorder
In classical conditioning, this is the term for a stimulus that naturally triggers a response, like food causing salivation in Pavlov's dogs.
Unconditioned stimulus
The most popular medical specialty amongst African Americans
The first African American woman to win a Nobel Peace Prize.
Coretta Scott King
Leila is 55 and was in a major car accident 20 years ago during a cross country trip. Ever since, she hasn't been able to drive on major highways. She does drive, but avoids highways. She does not mind taking the longer route. What is her diagnosis?
This is the type of memory responsible for temporarily holding information, like a phone number you just heard.
Short-term memory
Name one of the three trailblazers mentioned at the beginning of the presentation.
Rebecca Lee Crumpler, Charles Richard Drew, or Daniel Hale Williams
This African American man is known as the "Father of Black History" and also created Black History Month
Carter G. Woodson
Amy is 38, has restlessness, fatigue, irritability, and can't concentrate. She has tension in her body and says she has been worried about her children and safety. She fears something will happen to them when she isn't with them. She worries her husband will be laid off even though there's no reason he would be laid off.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
This mood disorder is characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, loss of interest, and fatigue.
Name one of the two top HBCU Medical schools we mentioned.
Howard or Morehouse
A cultural, artistic, and intellectual movement in the 1920s, centered in Harlen New York.
The Harlem Renaissance
Leslie is 28 and was shopping at a local store whe she all of a sudden felt anxious. She started to choke and sense that the people around her were not real. She left and didn't tell her husband what had happened. A week later she had a similar attack walking down the street. She got to her house and the attack ended. Between attacks she was very worried she would have another attack. She was scared to leave her house or use public transportation