Who says, “It was as though we had plunged suddenly into mid-country peace, yet I knew that here, somewhere close by in the night, there was a zoo with its dangerous animals”? (Chapter 14)
The Invisible Man
Who is described as having "a very real black mahn" persona and is the target of Ras the Exhorter's criticism?
Tod Clifton
What is the reason the Invisible Man is given a new name by the Brotherhood?
To strip away his personal identity
What does Ras the Exhorter symbolize?
2. Ras the Exhorter represents black figures such as Marcus Garvey and/or Malcolm X.
Who says, “Sometimes a man has to plunge outside history”? (Chapter 17)
Tod Clifton
Who gives the Invisible Man a portrait of Frederick Douglass?
Brother Tarp
What event leads to the Invisible Man’s departure from Mary’s house in Chapter 15?
1. The Invisible Man destroys her coin bank.
2. The Invisible Man finds interest in the Brotherhood.
What is the symbolism of the cast-iron coin bank in chapter 15.
Symbolises how black people are trapped in poverty.
"No more dispossessing of the... (Chapter 16)
Who does the Invisible Man leave when he moves on from his former life to join the Brotherhood?
Mary Rambo
Why does Ras the Exhorter spare Tod Clifton's life at the rally in Harlem? (chapter 16)
Due to their common skin color
What is the symbolism of Brother Jack handing the Invisible Man a package containing a suit.
1. The suit illustrates white man's pressure to make the black man conform
2. The suit symbolizes the invisibility the narrator begins to experience
Who Says, “Their leaders are made, not born. Then they’re destroyed. You’ve always said that.”? (Chapter 14)
Which Brother was instructed to teach IM proper public speaking techniques? (chapter 16)
Brother Hambro
Why were some of the Brothers unsatisfied with IM's speech? (chapter 16)
"It was the antithesis of the scientific approach" (350)
What does the "Fredrick Douglass’s portrait" symbolize in Chapter 17?
Symbolizes the legacy of resistance and/or empowerment for African Americans.