True or False: foods do not affect high blood pressure.
False. Salty foods or foods with saturated or trans fat do affect high blood pressure
True or false: If you have high blood pressure you can get rid of it immediately.
False if you have high blood pressure there are no current cure but there are things you can do to lower the risks of damage.
Can you reverse high blood pressure?
No. You cannot reverse it but you can help lower the numbers and damage it can cause by taking medications or by being physically active.
True or False: salty foods are good for you.
False they can actually make it work.
False it can cause more damage if you have more foods with lots of salt or sugar.
What is used to measure your blood pressure
A sphygmomanometer
True or false: Doing physical activity makes high blood pressure worse.
False. Being physically active actually can help manage high blood pressure.
True or False: Smoking helps with high blood pressure.
False: Smoking can only make it worse.
Pickled foods, sugar, trans fat, saturated fat, and processed foods.