what festival do I go to the first week of june
knock knock whos there
not you
max front squat
what is my favorite game
dead by daylight
whos house was the spot
Dannys house
exercise I thought you said...
extra fries
my favorite genre
max deadlift
what was my favorite Fortnite season
who drove everyone the most
who did I see last week
charles Wesley godwin
my favorite artist
charles Wesley godwin
max squat
what killer do I main in dead by daylight
the nightmare
what airport in New York did I fly to
what festival do I have in september
bourbon and beyond
my favorite song
atlantic city
max bench
what is the killer I hate the most
the houndmaster
what weird thing did I see in the aiport
a dwarf
what was my favorite concert I've been to
zach bryan
who do I see in May at the burl
J.R. carroll
my trainers name
todd sharrock
what is my favorite tool box add on
brand new part
what was my summer job