In 2000, what was the fastest growing age group in America
What is 13% was over 65 years
What is one of the common change inn older adults
What is weight and height
Correct term for “elderly”
What is geriatric
The us government defines the Geriatric population as
What is Over 65 years old
Older people are else’s likely to develop
What Is fever
Define osteoporosis
What is loss of bone mass
In America long with other countries , who lives longer in life expectancy
What is Women
What vitals sign are irregular for the elderly
What is pulse rhythm and blood pressure
What is hypothermia
What is dangerously low body temperature
The leading cuase of death in the elderly
What is heart disease
What is expected when a slower reaction time and memory loss happen in older adults
What is Neurological changes
Define orthostatic hypotension
What is decreases blood pressure when changing position
The fourth leading cause of death in the elderly
What is CVA(stroke)
What happens to kidneys as we age
What is decrease in size less ability to filter
Define opacity
What is cloudy, film lens of the eye