George Washington
The first conflict that led to the death of five Colonists. It was started when a group of boys threw snowballs at British soldiers.
The Boston Massacre
Thomas Jefferson was the principal writer of this document declaring America's freedom from Britain
The Declaration of Independence
A person who was loyal to the king of Britain is called a ___.
He was the commander of the British troops, who was defeated by George Washington at Yorktown.
Charles Cornwallis
He was the sovereign leader of Britain at the time of the war.
King George III
The first shots heard 'round the world were fired at these two Massachusetts towns.
Lexington and Concord
This document was written by Benjamin Franklin and was signed as an agreement between American and Britain at the end of the revolutionary war.
The Treaty of Paris
A person who believed that the colonies should be independent from Britain.
He was the leader of the Green Mountain boys in New York.
Ethan Allen
He was a French commander who helped George Washington defeat the British.
Marquis de Lafyette
George Washington let his troops rest here in the winter before crossing the Delaware to surprise the British.
Valley Forge
This was a pamphlet written by Thomas Paine to encourage the colonist to fight for their freedom from the tyranny of Britain.
Common Sense
The law that required the colonists to provide a living space inside their homes for British soldiers.
The Quartering Act
He was a Colonial officer who was jealous for money and power. He sold secrets to the British and eventually moved to England where he died in disgrace. His name is associated with being a traitor.
Benedict Arnold
He was known as the Swamp Fox, because he fought in the swamps of South Carolina.
Francis Marion
The first site of the first battle of the the revolution.
Bunker Hill
This group of people met in Philadelphia to discuss plans for forming a new nation. John Hancock was voted the president of this group.
The Second Continental Congress
A series of laws that put taxes on paper goods, sugar and tea.
The Townshend Acts
He was an African American minister who fought in the revolutionary war for the Colonial Army. He was the first African American minister ordained.
Lemuel Haynes
He was known as the fighting Quaker.
Nathanael Greene
Three Carolina cities captured by the British
Savanna, Camden, Charleston
This book was so popular that a patriot renamed his ship after the principal character. He name his ship the Bonhomme Richard
Poor Richard's Almanac.
December 16, 1773 when a group of colonists dressed up like Mohawk Indians.
The Boston Tea Party.
Joseph Brant