The extent to which you achieve your goals in an interaction
What is Effectiveness
Generalizations made in particular professions about the best way to do something
What is a working theory
The systematic research supports the explanations provided by the theory
What is accuracy
It is the only one to reveal cause and effect
In which research do readers risk the chance writers have misunderstood or distorted the results of the research
What is secondary
An agreed upon aspect of reality
What is a concept
The MDL that views communication as a powerful tool used to create situations and negotiate multiple goals
What is rhetorical
There are real-world applications for the theory
What is practicality
It cannot establish causality or determine what people actually do, only what they think
Using a focus group runs the risk of what developing
What is Group think
Patterns that hold true across groups, time, and place
What are generalizations
In which uncertainty reduction strategy would you go to the source to clarify your uncertainty?
What is interactive
The theory has the fewest possible concepts or steps
What is succinctness
It conceals the effect of the message on receivers
What is textual analysis
A pragmatic rather than deterministic belief about human nature is which approach to communication's view?
What is Humanistic
Studying narrowly defined areas in hopes the picture will be uncovered eventually
What is particularism
What is the word for what an individual thinks will happen in a given situation?
What is expectancy
The ideas of the theory are logically built upon one another
What is internal consistency
It may provide a highly subjective and possibly biased view of the culture or context
The social science method of communication uses which process of theory development?
What is deductive?
The process of reducing, elaborating, transforming, and storing stimuli
What is cognition
If you view the violator positively and then one day they commit a negative violation, how are you likely to respond?
What is compensation
The ability of a theory to provide insight into an otherwise intricate issue
What is acuity
The form of ethnography that is most commonly chosen
What is participant-observer
The focus of research is what for social science and what for humanities?
What is particularism for social science and holism for humanities