What is the family considering in the beginning of the movie?
Sending their daughter to a special school
Where do the three women work?
What country is America racing against to get to get to space first?
What is unusual about the group of people who are working on calculations?
They are all women.
What will the white men in Katherine's office refuse to share with her?
Coffee pot
Why are the kids afraid that the Russians will attack?
They had a drill and had to hide under their desks at school.
What type of special math do they need Katherine to know in order to complete her new job?
Analytic geometry
What do they announce when the radio program is interrupted?
They announce that the Russians have sent a man to space.
Why does Mary say she can't become an engineer?
She is a black woman.
What does Mr. Harrison mean when he tells Katherine to "look beyond the math?"
He might mean that she needs to look at more than just the numbers, but also what the numbers mean.
What do you think is meant when the receptionist tells Katherine she "has no idea where your bathroom is?"
Katherine needs to use a special bathroom for black women, because white and black people cannot use the same bathroom.
Why does Katherine want to attend briefings?
The math changes so quickly and she needs updated numbers
What is the problem when the new International Business Machine (IBM computers) arrives?
It is too large to fit through the door.
Why is Katherine not impressed by the man she meets at the church picnic?
He did not think a woman could do her job.
They black out the words on the documents.
How does Mary convince the judge to allow her to attend school?
She reminds him of the importance of being first.
How does Mr. Harrison react when Katherine tells him about the bathrooms?
He declares that there will be no more separate bathrooms.
Why does Dorothy think IBM is going to put everyone out of work?
It will be able to do all of their calculations, only faster.
What does Mr. Harrison do to resolve Katherine's problem with the bathroom?
He takes a sledge hammer to the sign to knock it down.
Katherine continues to do her job, despite the challenges. Why?
Answers will vary: Equality, her children, women's rights, black women, her country
What does the team give Katherine as an engagement present?
A string of pearls
What does Dorothy say she needs for her new assignment?
She needs to take her team with her.
What does John Glenn suggest they do with IBM's numbers?
Have Katherine double-check them
What does Mary find out she needs to become an engineer?
Advanced courses
How do women support each other throughout their experiences?
They talk to each other and encourage each other to stay the course.