Hasn't seen her mom in ____ years
seve sevenn
True or false: When Opal meets Winn-Dixie he is clean well groomed and a beautiful dog
Who is Amanda Wilkinson
Old "pinched face", around opals age, had a younger brother who died
What is the secret ingredient in Littmus Lozenges?
True or False
The Open arms Baptist Church is unusual because it was a convenient store and people sit on lawn chairs in the church
What is Opal's full name?
India Opal Buloni
Winn-Dixie chases a _______ around the Open Arms Baptist Church.
True or false: calls the Dewberry boys meany pants and later she races Stevie Dewberry
False: Opal calls the Dewberry boys bald headed babies; races Stevie and become friends
What did Opals mother like to do
Listen to stories,
Describe the setting of the story
This story takes place in a small town in Florida during the summer. The story takes place in a pet store Library Glorias backyard and Opal's house
Where do Opal and her Father live?
In a trailer park in Naomi, Florida
Does Opal make friends because of Winn-Dixie
Answers will vary
After he returned from the war Littmus W. block decided to start a
Candy factory
Does the following statement describe the overall theme of the book the best:
It is possible to build a group of friends that is like family
What is the primary reason Opal works at Gertrude's pets sweeping and cleaning?
It allows her to get the red collar and leash for Winn-Dixie.
True or false: Opal primarily enjoys her time in glorious backyard because Gloria listens to Opal with all her heart
What is Winn-Dixie's main fear
What is Opal's initial reaction when she learns that Otis has been in jail? How does her attitude change overtime.
Opal's initial reaction is confusion and a little bit of fear. She learns that he is a nice man and that she does not need to be afraid of him.
Describe what opal's father is like and opals relationship with her father.
Father is a preacher he is very concerned with his church but he does care for Opal a lot
Explain why Opal is so lonely at the beginning of the book
Opal is lonely at the beginning of the book because she has moved to a new town where she doesn't know anyone. In addition her mom is not living with her and her dad is busy preaching.
What type of person is Opal? One of all characters traits and support answer with a specific example from the book.
Is a very caring person, she reads the Gloria dump ,she is kind to Otis
Is is the title of Winn-Dixie accurate description of the events of the story.
Answers will vary
Explain how Opal's attitude towards the Dewberry boys changes over the course of the book. make a hypothesis that explains why her attitude changes.
At the beginning Opal dislikes the dewberry boys. By the end she accepted them them. Her attitude changes because she realized that there is something to like about everyone
Name at least one life lesson that Opal learns from Gloria dump
Opal learns that you shouldn't judge a person by their past actions
Describe in detail the situation that leads to opal adopting Winn-Dixie
The dog is running around in in the grocery store and knocking things over. The manager is very upset. Volunteers to take Winn-Dixie.