What is A large-scale, Black-led social movement in the 1950s and 1960s centered around protest, civil disobedience, and legal battles?
Civil Rights Movement
Tendency to favor or disfavor certain things, regardless of the details of the specific situation.
What is Bias
What can determine someone’s ethnicity?
Their culture (language, food, clothing, traditions)
What is a System humans created to classify groups of people based mostly on skin tone.
what is the statistical measure indicating how long people can expect to live, on average.
Life expectancy
What is each race is kept separate from each other?
The Associations our minds make between seemingly unrelated things?
What is implicit bias
Cultural identity through shared traits such as language or religion:
The set of our visible features or characteristics, like the color of our skin, hair, and eyes.
what helps explain how interaction with members of other groups affects prejudicial beliefs?
Contact theory
What is different treatment of groups of people?
Bias that we are openly and consciously aware of.
What is Explicit bias
What is a person's sense of belonging to a particular culture, shaped by factors like nationality, ethnicity, religion, language, traditions, values, and social norms?
cultural identity
What is an example of race?
Caucasian, Black, Asian
what is efforts to rectify historical and current forms of negative discrimination
Positive discrimination
What is a period in American history between the end of Reconstruction and the end of the Civil Rights Movement?
Jim Crow
When a person belonging to a marginalized racial group associates their own group with negative evaluations.
What is Internalized bias
what is groups of people who share a combination of racial and ethnic characteristics?
ethnoracial group
What is a form of institutional discrimination based on race or ethnic group, includes polices and practices that exist throughout a whole society or organization.
Institutional racism
what is a set of beliefs, ideologies, and institutional practices that position White people as superior to other racial groups.
White supremacy
What is any group of people who, because of their physical or cultural characteristics are singled out from the others in society in which they live for differential and unequal treatment.
Minority group
Preconceived beliefs, attitudes, or opinions about members of another group.
What is Prejuices
what is Psychological phenomenon in which undesirable characteristics exhibited by members of another group are perceived as innate.
Ultimate attribution error
what is Unfavorable and unjust treatment of a person based on their race.
Negative racial discrimination
What is Sociological method in which applicants are matched according to all characteristics that would make them more or less attractive and then sent out as pairs to apply for various services or products.
Audit study