The place Nate takes Bronwyn to in order to avoid being confronted by the journalists outside Bayview High.
What is the mall?
There, Maeve uses the public network to hack into Simon's admin panel for 'About That'. She discovers an encrypted post about Cooper.
What is the ibrary?
Ashton's idea to distract Addy.
What is a bike tour?
Ashton's husband who has left her for another woman.
Who is Charlie?
A lawyer working for Until Provern. On television he demands a wider investigation instead of merely focusing on th efour teenagers.
Who is Eli Kleinfelter?
Host of national TV show. He reports about the Simon Kelleher case and interviews Eli Kleinfelter.
Who is Mikhail Powers?
The hair salon where Addy asks one of the employees to cut off all her hair.
What is Supercut?
An organization that provides legal advice for people with low income.
What is Until Proven?
Local newspaper which reports about the Simon Kelleher case in its Sunday edition as well as online.
What is the Bayview Blade?
This is Simon's username as administrator of 'About That', which he also uses to post comments on 4chan.
Who/What is AnarchiSK?