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Guess the rebus riddle picture
Scambled Eggs
What type of syllables describes a word that has only one vowel and the vowel is the last letter of the syllable of the word
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Guess the picture rebus riddle
Upside Down
What syllable describes a word that has only one vowel and the vowel is followed by one or more consonants?
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Guess the rebus riddle picture
What is a Vowel Team?
two vowels letters that makes one sound
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Guess the rebus riddle picture
What is another word for Vowel Teams?
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Guess the rebus riddle picture
One in a Million
What does THEME means when reading a story or passage?
the big idea or message in a story or passage
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Guess the rebus riddle picture
Banana Split
Describe what a syllable is
a word or word part with one vowel sound
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Guess the rebus riddle picture
Broken Heart
Compound Words
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Guess the rebus riddle picture
Black Hole
The vowel team OA in COASTLINE makes the
SHORT O sound or Long O sound
Long O Sound
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Guess the rebus riddle picture
Jack in the Box
Name 3 words that makes the long /a/ sound that have the vowel team "EA"
Varies as long as the words best fit the PROMPT
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guess the rebus riddle picture
Lem On Ade
Name 3 words that makes the long /a/ sound that have the vowel team "OA"
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Guess the rebus riddle picture
No 1 to Blame
Liam noticed his neighbor, Mr. Jenkins, struggling to carry a heavy box. Liam ran over and asked, "Do you need help?" Mr. Jenkins smiled and said, "Thank you, Liam. I could really use a hand." Together, they carried the box safely inside. Mr. Jenkins said, "It’s so kind of you to help!"
Question: What is the theme of this story?
Kindness or Helping Others
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Guess the rebus riddle picture
Half a Million
Lily wanted to jump over a puddle at school, but it was bigger than she thought. She stood there for a moment, then took a deep breath and jumped as high as she could. Splash! She landed safely on the other side, laughing at how big the jump felt.
Question: What is the theme of this story?
Brave or Bravery
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Guess the rebus riddle picture
Good afternoon