The Métis were descendants of?
Indigenous or Native and French or European or English
What bread did Louis teach James how to make?
Gallette or Bannock.
What type of transportation was built that allowed people and goods to easily reach the prairies?
The Canadian Pacific Railway.
Who looked to Louis Riel to be their leader?
The Métis
Who lived in the prairies before the European settlers?
The Indigenous, or Métis.
What symbol does the Métis flag have spread across it?
An infinity symbol.
What kind of fur did Louis wrap James in for their horse ride?
It was made of buffalo fur.
What did the Minister of the Interior offer settlers to attract them to the praries?
Free land.
How did the Canadian government catch Louis Riel?
He surrendered.
What materials did they use to build their houses?
Sod; earth and grass cut from the land.
What does the infinity symbol on the Métis flag stand for?
The union of the two cultures, the European (English, French) and Indigenous or Native.
Why did Louis say he could not take James into town, and that James would have to walk the rest of the way?
Louis said it was not safe for him.
How many millions of people came to the prairies?
3 million.
What ultimately happened to Louis Riel?
What type of weather surprised the immigrants? (Name at least 2)
Cold and blizzards, heat, dust storms, prairie fires, drought and swarms of mosquitoes.