Who were Kayin and Hevel?
Adam and Chavas children
Why did Haman hate mordechai so much?
What is this weeks Parasha
Whats Yocheved and Miriam as known as
Shifra and Puah
Who were Moshes siblings?
What colour was Esthers skin
green\ yellowy colour like an esrog
What tree were Adam and Chava not allowed to eat from?
עץ הדעת
What was Moshe fathers name?
It is a special honour and he holds the baby during the bris
What are the 4 מs that we do on Purim?
Mishloach Manot
Matanot La'Evyonim
Megillah Reading
What was the second type of bird Noach sent out to check if the land was dry?
Yona \ Dove
Yitro went from a palace to a ????
YES! Mrs Loebensteins husband and Rabbi Greenbaum are first cousins
True or False
Is Purim and Yom Kippur as holy as each other?
How many garments did the Kohen Gadol have?
Why is Eliezer given the name Eliezer?
cause Hashem saved Moshe from the hands of Pharoh after he killed Datan and Aviram
Name 3 of the Ushpizin
What does the word Purim mean?
"Purim" comes from the Persian word "pur," which means "lot" or "dice," referring to the lottery Haman used to decide the date to destroy the Jews.
What brocha do we make on Bananas
What happened to Yitros skin when he heard what happened to the mitzrayim and Bnei Yisroel and why?
He got the shivers as he had mixed emotions about how he felt.