These animals are the only mammals capable of sustained flight and are crucial for pollinating many plants.
This natural disaster occurs when there is a sudden shaking of the Earth's surface due to movement of tectonic plates beneath it.
These tiny organisms, such as bacteria and viruses, can cause diseases and are the focus of many health researchers' studies.
Answer: pathogens
1.This type of plastic is often used for drink bottles, food containers, and is marked with the recycling code
#1. Answer: PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate)
6.This large, migratory fish is known for traveling between the epipelagic and mesopelagic zones in search of food.
Answer: tuna
Known for its intelligence, this creature has three hearts, blue blood, and can change the color and texture of its skin to blend in with its surroundings.
This weather phenomenon occurs when air cools to its dew point and condenses into tiny water droplets, forming a visible cloud close to the ground
This type of cell, found in the human body, is responsible for carrying oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body.
Answer: red blood cell
2.This method of dating fossils uses the amount of radioactive decay in certain elements to determine the age of rocks and fossils.
Answer: Radiometric dating.
11.Term for the ability of some insects to produce light, like fireflies.
Answer: bioluminescence
Scientists study this endangered species, often called the “panda of the sea,” in order to help preserve their habitats
sea otters
Fossils are most commonly found in this type of rock, formed from the compaction and cementation of sediment.
sedimentary rock
This technology, which helps doctors see inside your body, uses a large magnet and radio waves to create detailed images of organs and tissues.
Answer: MRI
3.In this zone, bioluminescent organisms are common, and animals have adapted to extreme pressure and darkness.
Answer: the mesopelagic zone
12.This tiny insect is responsible for carrying diseases like malaria and dengue.
Answer: Mosquito
This marine animal is known for its ability to regenerate lost body parts, including its heart and brain.
This is the term for the large, rotating patch of plastic waste that has formed in the Pacific Ocean
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch
4.This digestive enzyme, produced in the stomach, breaks down proteins into smaller peptides.
Answer: pepsin
4.This is the term for a deep, narrow depression in the ocean floor, typically found at the boundaries of tectonic plates.
Answer:ocean trench
13.This soft, silvery metal is the most reactive element in the alkali metals group and is found in a famous soap.
Answer: Sodium
This crustacean has 16 types of color receptors, allowing it to see a spectrum of colors that includes ultraviolet light, far beyond the capabilities of human vision.
mantis shrimp
This type of plate boundary is where two tectonic plates are moving toward each other, often causing earthquakes or mountain formation
convergent boundary
This is the last part of the digestive system, where water is absorbed and waste is formed into stool.
Answer: the large intestine
5. These large, circular ocean currents are driven by the Earth's rotation and influence climate and weather patterns.
Answer: gyres
6..This molecule provides the energy required for muscle fibers to contract by powering the interaction between actin and myosin filaments.
Answer: ATP