How old was I the first time I was scared of my mom? Bonus points if you know what she broke
8-9ish. A ladybug key chain
This past summer I saw P!nk in concert. Who are my other two bucket list concerts?
Adele and Mariana's Trench
What Broadway musical am I determined to see on Broadway in New York?
The Phantom of the Opera
What did I spill where to sustain burns to 11% of my body?
Knocked coffee onto my back
What was my favourite series in elementary school?
The Mandie Books
How many times was I threatened with murder before age 18?
What was my first big concert?
Trick question: I don't even remember. Either Shania Twain or the Dixie Chicks
What is on my bucket list that I'll need to take classes before I can do it?
Scuba Dive
How did I get my very first concussion?
Double bounced myself doing a somersault on a trampoline
What's my favourite trilogy?
The Kingkiller Chronicle by Patrick Rothfuss. Fans have been waiting for the third book for 14 YEARS!!!!!
How old was I the first time I hurt myself?
What song did I play on repeat, specifically to learn every single word?
Piano Man by Billy Joel
What bucket list item did I check off my list in university?
Learned Arabesque #1 by Debussy
How did I accidentally fly away in childhood?
Flying a huge kite with papa, and he got distracted and let go.
If I could enter a fictional world, which one would it be? Bonus points if you also know the kind of character I'd play
I'd become a priestess in Avalon
How many psychiatric diagnoses have I accumulated throughout my life?
Major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, anorexia nervosa, borderline personality disorder, PTSD, C-PTSD
Half points if you said ADHD or OCD
When did I get my guitar and from whom? Bonus points if you know why it and I are soulmates
From my dad for university graduation.
Because it also has a rough past.
What two things are still left on my ballet specific bucket list?
Pass the RAD Intermediate exam and perform en pointe
What things might still be in my body that aren't supposed to be there?
Rocks in my head
What author's books would I love to be able to read in their original language?
Dostoevsky, especially The Brothers Karamazov
Name of my best friend that died when I was about 13
What's the next instrument I'd like to learn?
Celtic harp
Name all three of the adrenalin inducing activities I want to try
Skydiving, swimming with sharks, hang-gliding
I've only split my head open from pure force once. How did it happen?
Swing dancing and got an elbow to the back of the head
The two books that I take with me any time I travel.
Deerskin by Robin McKinley
Letters to a Young Poet by Rainer Maria Rilke