Which Cat is Sam’s favorite of the three?
Whatever she says
When did they retire fairy pokemon?
A. 2019
B. 2020
C. 2021
D. 2022
Where did I meet Sam first?
Scotts place in Chaska
How high can a squirrel jump?
A. 5ft
B. 6ft
C. 8ft
D. 10ft
A. 5ft
How old is Onyx?
9 years old
What is the original name of the franchise?
Pocket Monsters
What did Sam ask me at Olive Garden before I tried the donut?
Is it good Jordan?
What is a Squirrels worst enemy?
A. Mountain Lions
B. Raccoons
C. Owls
D. Cats
C. Owls
How many bones do cats have?
a. 206
b. 215
c. 225D. 230
How many pokemon animated films are there?
A. 23
B. 24
C. 25
D. 26
A. 23
What’s my Snuffys order? (Be as specific as possible)
Egg salad sandwich lightly toasted, tots/waffle fries, side of dill sauce and a butterscotch malt extra malt.
How many teeth do grey Squirrels have?
A. 20
B. 21
C. 22
D. 23
C. 22
What did i call Yuki (Sam dead cat) on accident?
How many pokemon are there currently?
A. 1162
B. 1163
C. 1164
D. 1165
What movie did we watch first when we worked with clay before Christmas?
A. Hot frosty
B. Along came polly
C. Four Christmases
Do squirrels mate for life?
How fast can cats run?
A. 15
B. 20
C. 30
D. 40
What is Ash’s rarest pokemon?
A. Pikachu
B. Noctowl
C. Butterfree
D. Greninja
What prize did I win Sam at the valleyfair arcade? (Not candy)
Burger Light
How long can squirrels live?
A. 10
B. 15
C. 20
D. 25
D. 25