This country is projected to have the largest population in the world by 2025, surpassing China
What is India?
This European country offers financial incentives, such as subsidized loans and tax exemptions, to encourage couples to have more children due to its aging population
What is Hungary?
This country has one of the highest life expectancies, with people living an average of over 85 years.
What is Japan?
This country has the highest number of international migrants, largely due to economic opportunities.
What is the United States?
This country faces a serious "brain drain" issue, where highly skilled professionals leave for better opportunities abroad.
What is India?
This continent has the highest fertility rates, with many countries averaging more than five children per woman.
What is Africa?
This policy, introduced in 1979, aimed to control population growth in China but was later replaced due to its economic impact.
What is the One-Child Policy?
This West African country has one of the highest infant mortality rates in the world due to poor healthcare infrastructure.
What is Nigeria?
This European country saw a major refugee crisis in 2015 due to conflicts in Syria and the Middle East.
What is Germany?
Many people from Central America migrate to this country due to economic hardship and violence in their home nations.
What is the United States?
This East Asian country has one of the lowest birth rates in the world, leading to concerns about population decline.
What is China
Despite having a large population, this South American country has a declining birth rate due to urbanization and economic changes.
What is Brazil?
A deadly 2020 pandemic caused global mortality rates to rise significantly.
What is COVID-19?
This Southeast Asian country is known for having a high number of workers migrating abroad, especially to the Middle East and North America.
What is Philippines?
This European country has one of the fastest-declining populations, leading to labor shortages and economic concerns.
What is Italy?