Adam and Eve, The fall of man, first sin
After His resurrection, how many days did Jesus remain on earth before ascending to heaven?/Apre rezirèksyon li, konbyen jou Jezi te rete sou tè a anvan li monte nan syèl la?
What is 40? (Acts 1:3)/Ki sa ki 40? (Travay 1:3)
– "Am I my brother’s keeper?"
I asked this question after God asked me where my brother was. Who am I?
– "Èske mwen se gadò frè m nan?"
Mwen te poze kesyon sa a apre Bondye te mande m kote frè m nan ye. Kiyès mwen ye?
Senyè Bondye mwen vle lavi m
Ka ranpli ak louwanj.
Fè tout sa m ye, ak tout sa m fè,
Fè w plezi tankou zanj.
22 Chant d'Espérance | CEC, Page 127
I was a prisoner chosen by the crowd to be released instead of Jesus. Who am I? / Mwen te yon prizonye foul moun yo te chwazi pou m te libere olye de Jezi. Kiyès mwen ye?
Barabbas, Matthew 27:17
👨🚰 🔀 🍷
Jesus turning water into wine
How many years did the Israelites wander in the desert before entering the Promised Land?/Konbyen ane Izrayelit yo te moute desann nan dezè a anvan yo te antre nan Latè pwomiz la?
What is forty? (Numbers 14:33-34)/Ki sa ki karant? (Nonb 14:33-34)
"The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want." I wrote this famous Psalm about God's care and protection. Who am I? / "Seyè a se gadò mouton mwen; mwen p'ap manke." Mwen te ekri sòm popilè sa a konsènan swen ak pwoteksyon Bondye. Kiyès mwen ye?
Grand Dieu, nous te bénissons,
Nous célébrons tes louanges!
Éternel, nous t'exaltons,
De concert avec les anges;
Et prosternés devant toi,
Nous t’adorons, ô grand Roi! (bis, 2 lignes)
02 Chants D'Espérance | 02 CEF / Page 009
I was the wife of a man who worked for King Herod, and I helped support Jesus’ ministry. Who am I? /
Mwen te madanm yon mesye ki te travay pou wa Ewòd, e mwen te ede soutni ministè Jezi a. Kiyès mwen ye?
Joanna, Luke 8:2–3
Battle of Jericho? (Joshua 6:1-20)
According to the Bible, how old was Methuselah when he died, making him the oldest recorded person? / Dapre Bib la, ki laj Metouchela te gen lè li te mouri, sa ki fè l 'pi ansyen moun anrejistre?
"Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died."
I said this to Jesus when my brother Lazarus had died. Who am I?
Seyè, si ou te la, frè m' lan pa ta mouri."
Mwen te di Jezi sa lè Laza, frè m nan, te mouri. Kiyès mwen ye?
Espère en Dieu quand la nuit sombre
Voile le ciel et l’horizon ;
Jamais là-haut ne règne l’ombre,
Là-haut t’attend une maison.
Espère en Dieu quand la tempête
Contre la nef jette ses flots.
Un mot vainqueur déjà s’apprête,
A commander paix et repos.
After Judas betrayed Jesus, I was chosen to replace him as one of the twelve disciples. Who am I? /
Apre Jida te trayi Jezi, yo te chwazi m pou ranplase l kòm youn nan douz disip yo. Kiyès mwen ye?
Matthias, Acts 1:23
Jesus Cleansing the Temple?
How many years did King Nebuchadnezzar live like a wild animal as punishment from God? / Konbyen ane wa Nèbikadneza te viv tankou yon bèt sovaj kòm pinisyon Bondye?
If I perish, I perish."
I said this before risking my life to approach the king and save my people. Who am I?
Si mwen peri, mwen peri."
Mwen te di sa anvan m te riske lavi m pou m pwoche bò kote wa a epi sove pèp mwen an. Kiyès mwen ye?
Who is Esther? (Esther 4:16) / Kiyès Esther? (Ester 4:16)
Bèje mwen se yon Wa damou
Bonte li p ap janm fini.
Si se li menm ki Sovè mwen,
Mwen p ap janm manke anyen.
36 CEK, Page 131
God sent me to help a man who was blind after seeing a bright light on the road to Damascus. Who am I?
Bondye te voye m ede yon nonm ki te avèg apre li te wè yon limyè klere sou wout Damas la. Kiyès mwen ye?
Ananias, Acts 9-10
Joseph interpreting Pharaoh’s dreams?
After His resurrection, Jesus’ disciples caught a miraculous number of fish in their net. How many fish were caught? / Apre rezirèksyon l, disip Jezi yo te pran yon kantite pwason nan privye yo. Konbyen pwason yo te kenbe?
I, along with two of my friends, refused to bow to a golden statue, even if it meant being thrown into a fiery furnace. Who am I? / Mwen, ansanm ak de nan zanmi m yo, te refize bese tèt devan yon estati an lò, menm si sa vle di yo jete nan yon gwo founo dife. Kiyès mwen ye?
Who is Shadrach (or Meshach or Abednego)? (Daniel 3:18) / Ki moun ki Chadrak (oswa Mechak oswa Abèdnego)? (Danyel 3:18)
Jésus, du fardeau de la loi,
Par toi mon âme est libérée;
Pour toujours elle est délivrée
De ce qui causait son effroi.
308 CEF SA 27 121 CP
I was a man in the Bible whose name meant “pain,” but I asked God to bless me, enlarge my territory, and keep me from harm. God granted my request. Who am I?
Mwen te yon nonm nan Bib la ki te vle di “doulè”, men mwen te mande Bondye pou l beni m, pou l agrandi tèritwa m e pou m pa fè m mal. Bondye akòde demann mwen an. Kiyès mwen ye?
Jabez, 1 Chronicles 4:10