The Roman Empire
Medieval Life
The Gospel Spreads
Heroes and Villains

In 165 BC, during this celebration of renewing the worship of God in the temple, the oil in the lamps did not go out for 8 days. It is also known as the Festival of Lights.

What is Hanukkah?


This is the nickname for the general trade routes that allowed people to buy, sell, and transport spices, herbs and other foreign goods long distances.

What is the Spice Road?


Jesus spent the last week before His crucifixion in and around this city.

What is Jerusalem?


This is the nickname for Judas Maccabeus, who led Jews to take back Jerusalem from the Romans.

What is "The Hammer"?


This is the lowest point on the Earth's surface-- 1,300 feet below sea level.

What is the Dead Sea?


The Romans created this system of representative government which the U.S. uses today.

What is a republic?


He was the first king to unite many people groups across Europe, be crowned "emperor" by a pope, and introduce feudalism. He gained the nickname "Father of Europe" for his leadership in government, education, and society.

Who is Charlemagne (or Charles the Great)?


This day, 50 days after Passover, is both the Jewish Feast of Weeks AND celebrated by Christians as the day the Holy Spirit filled the disciples and spoke in other languages after Jesus resurrection.

What is Pentecost?


This leader, who was a brilliant military leader and ambitious politician, was named "dictator for life" but was later assassinated by former friends and supporters.

Who is Julius Caesar?


This river, where John baptized Jesus, flows from the Sea of Galilee to the South where it empties into a sea.

What is the Jordan River?


The Roman army was organized into units of 100 men called this.

What are centuries?


The Lindisfarne Gospels are an example of this type of manuscript, beautifully and copied and meticulously preserved by monks in monasteries.

What is illuminated?


The Temple of Artemis was located in this ancient seaport, a center of trade and pagan worship in Asia Minor, which Paul visited.

What is Ephesus?


This man preached the first sermon about Jesus and His death and resurrection.

Who is Peter?


The only part of King Herod's greatest building project in Jerusalem that is still standing is called this.

What is the Wailing Wall?


During the reign of this adopted son of Caesar, Rome experienced a time of peace called the Pax Romana. He appointed Herod to be king of Judea and ordered a census to be taken of all the people in his empire.

Who is Caesar Augustus (or Octavian)?


After centuries of invasions, when William the Conqueror became king of England, this group of people with Viking roots became the ruling class of England.

Who are the Normans?


This man was one of the thousands of believers in Jesus Christ who was persecuted and executed for his faith.

Who was Stephen or Polycarp?


One of the two ancient leaders who prioritized having a thorough code of laws written and implemented.

Who was Hammurabi or Justinian?


When the Romans conquered Britain, they found this place of natural hot springs. People came here to "relax," "get clean" and to "find healing."

What is Bath?


Historians refer to this year as the year that "Rome fell" because a Barbarian tribe conquered the city and a Barbarian leader sat on the throne.

What is 476 AD?


This Mongol leader was known for his military organization, strategy, and merciless attacks. He was also the grandfather of another leader who invited Marco Polo to be his ambassador.

Who is Genghis Kahn?


This document was the first of its kind, written by early church fathers whom the emperor Constantine had assembled, to combat false teaching in the church. This same emperor made Christianity legal.

What is the Nicene Creed?


Followers of this man, who started a new religion, wrote down his teachings after he died and the religion has continued to spread aggressively, eventually provoking the Crusades.

Who was Muhammad?


Herod built this fortress high on a plateau in the desert as a sanctuary and it later became a hideout for doomed Jewish Zealots.

What is Masada?
