Name a grain
The three MACROnutrient categories
What are carbs, proteins, & fats
The 2 types of micronutrients
What are vitamins & minerals?
A standard serving size of meat
What is 3 oz or What is the size of your palm or a deck of cards
Internal compass that guides your decisions
What are values
Fiber, germ, & endosperm are found in this type of grain
What is whole wheat or what is whole grains
Eggs, meat, nuts, & seeds are included in this MACROnutrient group
What are proteins?
Found in fruits & vegetables (& other foods) that help prevent disease or health issues
What are vitamins
A serving size of grains looks like
What is 1 slice of bread or 1 c of oatmeal
The nutrition label uses this word to tell you how much ENERGY is in something
What are calories?
Meat, eggs, & quinoa are an example
What is a complete protein? (yes you MUST say complete)
Vegetables, fruit & grains are a part of this MACROnutrient group
What are grains?
This micronutrient helps keep bones & teeth healthy
What is calcium
AMount of grains that are recommended
What is 5-8 or 5-10 oz (anywhere in this range
A visual representation of what your plate should look like @ each meal
What is MyPlate
Approximately 30% of your plate according to MyPlate should be this
What are vegetables?
Butter & oils are part of this group
What are fats?
Vitamin D "key"
What is the sun?
A serving size of dairy
What is 1 c of milk or 1 c of dairy
Define the problem
WHat is the first step of the decision making process
3 cups a day are recommended which include yogurt, milk, & cottage cheese
What is dairy?
Only type of nutrient that provides ENERGY as calories
What are MACROnutrients
Found in red or orange fruits & vegetables
What is Vitamin A
You need this amount of fruits & veggies every day
*combine the 2
What is 5 cups?
What is 1.5-2 cups of fruit girls & 2-2.5 cups of fruit girls?
What is 2.5-3 cups of veggies girls & 2.5-4 cups of veggies boys?
Name of Mrs. K's hound dog
Who is Ingrid