to improvise stage business or conversation
acting role with very few parts
bit part
who and what are on stage when the curtain opens
at rise
to obstruct the view of the audience; use of ad-lib to cover an unexpected, unwanted event during a performance
to stop action
to emphasize a word or line with extra force
last words, action, or technical effect that immediately precedes any line or business; a stage signal
waiting for the audience to quiet down after a funny line or scene
holding for laughs
movement or sweep of the play as it progresses
to break into the speech of another character
cut in
giving lines in such a way that another actor can make a point or get a laugh
getting behind furniture or other actors so that you cannot be seen by the audience
blocking yourself
movement in a direction opposite to a cross to balance the stage picture
placing furnishings, pictures, and similar items to complete and balance a set
dressing the stage
to draw the maximum response from the audience from comic lines or action
What happened if you did not know your lines?
emphasizing an idea
pointing lines
using dramatic devices such as increased tempo, volume, and emphasis to bring a scene to a climax
building a scene
acting role usually for comparison with the main character
all the stage furnishings brought onstage by the actors
guilds were responsible for performing these types of plays
distinctive action that serves as a clue to a character's personality
master gesture
plays focused on the internal struggle between good and evil within individuals
these plays depict the whole history of the Christian universe starting with creation and ending with the resurrection of Christ
dramatized lives of saints
miracle plays