General WRAP
Key Concepts
Wellness Tools
Pot Pourri

How many parts of the Crisis Plan are there?



What are the 5 Key Concepts of WRAP?

Hope, Personal Responsibility, Education, Self-Advocacy and Support


What is the importance of the Wellness Toolbox?

Provides a coping skills list for clients to use in the time before a crisis and during a crisis.


What section of our WRAP do we put what we need after a crisis?

Post Crisis Plan


How long has the WRAP program been around?

about 30 years


Why did you write a WRAP?

To be a self advocate in my own mental health journey.


How is HOPE define in WRAP

Improve the quality of life, setting goals, providing "a life worth living"  


According to WRAP, what is a stressor?

Things that make one feel unwell or "thrown off track"


What section of WRAP should I list people I need to make apologies to?

Post Crisis Plan


Who should I give my WRAP to?

Any one you list as a supporter, doctors, therapist, spouse, anyone you want involved in your crisis planning.


How can WRAP benefit the agency I work for?

By providing WRAP skills to my clients so that they have a plan in the event of a crisis situation.


Why is education Key Concept of WRAP?

give people something to work towards, education about own mental health issues, encourage clients to learn something new


Why are stressors listed before early warning signs in WRAP?

Because the stressor cn cause you to think feel or act different (an early warning sign).


Why is the crisis plan so important?

It is a tool to plan for the support you need when you face a crisis. Can be likened to an advanced directive, but it is not a legal document.


How often should I rewrite my WRAP?

You should be looking at your WRAP as much as possible, listing any updates.  For sure when there is  a change in medication, providers, supporters or anew diagnosis.


What is the 1st part of the crisis plan?

Wellness Toolbox


What is an example of self-advocacy in WRAP?

asking a question about a medication, making a phone call to doctor or therapist, informing doctor or therapist of new symptoms, medication side effects...


What is the last step before I am in crisis?

When things are breaking down or getting much worse.


What section of WRAP should we list out supporters?

Crisis Plan


How could I help someone write their own WRAP?

You can give prompts or examples of what they need to be including in the WRAP, but the WRAP must be written by the client themselves.  The information chosen to be included is from the client themselves.


What are the seven sections of WRAP?

wellness toolbox, daily maintenance plan, triggers, early warning signs, when things are breaking down, crisis plan, post crisis plan


Why is personal responsibility a WRAP key concept?

Because the WRAP program is the personal responsibility of the client to develop.  It is THEIR plan, with their ideas, hopes and concerns.


What is the difference between an early warning sign and when things are breaking down?

An early warning sign is a time for you to notice that things are "off track" and to try coping skills to manage.  When things are breaking down is when things are much worse and a crisis may be in the near future.


How does WRAP help in preventing a crisis?

WRAP is a tool that is a written plan for the client to give to others in the rise of a crisis. It provides necessary information that can help prevent a crisis Wellness toolbox) or help supporters decide what to do if you are in crisis and they need to take over.


What do we develop to respond to early warning signs or when thing are breaking down?

Daily plan, WRAP plan
