What was the bride’s childhood nickname?
Нунина, Нурияшка, Нури, Нұр, Үрпек, Петөлөк
What’s the bride’s all-time favorite food?
Where did the bride and her partner go on their first date?
атырау жақтағы мост
What’s the bride’s weirdest talent or party trick?
bingewatch k-dramas
What’s the bride’s dream holiday destination?
paris, mekka-medina, indonesia and so many more
What was the bride’s favorite cartoon as a kid?
- винкс, джеки чан, барби
What’s the bride’s go-to karaoke song?
What was the first meal the bride ever cooked for her partner?
What item does the bride always forget to bring when traveling?
мойынға тағатын жастық чтобы самолетта ұйқтағанға
If the bride could live in any city in the world, where would it be?
wisteria lane, fairfield, дьеее шучу. Хмммм думаю астана или алматы, себебі мен қазақстанда туылғаныма қуанамын. Ал басқа мемлекеттерге қыдырып или уақытша тұруға барар едім.
What unusual habit did the bride have as a child?
Қарға юпи қосып жеу, күнде түскі 12де тұру
additional answers: to come home very late, to spend all my day with friends; одноклассниктарыммен сабақтан шығып, адасып, бүкіл ауылды аралап келу - 2 класстан 6 классқа дейін солай жүрдім.
Which movie has the bride watched the most times?
вир и зара
How did the bride’s partner propose to her? (location, words, or funny detail)
he didnt🤣🤣🤣🤣 i will tell you when he proposes. Но если серьезно с 1 курса по сей день в рандомные моменты, иногда даже каждый день спрашивал меня will you marry me деп.
What’s the bride’s most irrational fear?
What kind of pet does the bride want in the future?
What was the bride's biggest childhood fear?
If the bride could only drink one beverage for the rest of her life, what would it be?
What’s the funniest or weirdest date the couple has ever had?
our first date was the weirdest, because we did not know it was our first date. I thought we were just hanging out together. And when we were coming back home, he hesitated to ask, but asked “sorry Nuri, can we consider it as a first date?”. I said “okay we can, but are we dating?”. And i think after that we decided to try being friends, but got closer.
What’s the bride’s go-to excuse when she’s running late?
“couldn’t find my stuff”. I really run late because sometimes i cannot find some important things. But after i got married, Alhamdulillah I am more аккуратная regarding my stuff.
What’s one hobby the bride wants to learn but hasn't yet?
выпечка, торт жасау; жаңа тіл үйрену.
What is a funny or embarrassing childhood memory the bride still laughs about?
как я потеряла все книги в первом классе после того как их получила
или как я спряталась дома в туалете когда домой пришел мой краш, 2 класс.
Или как я вырвала один лист брокколи и купила его в рамсторе.
Или как я пошла в магаз и попросила продавщицу дать мне “1 литр шемішке” (если вы не поняли в чем прикол, семечки не продаются в литрами)
What is the one snack the bride can never say no to?
What was the exact date they officially became a couple?
3 мая
What’s the one thing the bride would never admit she secretly enjoys?
I enjoy spending several hours sitting on a chair and watching tv series or k-dramas. You cannot imagine how I enjoy just sitting and eating while watching k-dramas or other tv series.
If money weren’t an issue, what would be the bride’s dream career?
повар, су-шеф, флорист, housewife, business owner: пекарня, кофейня.