What is a ritual that binds the church together and may be means of grace, covenantal signs, or acts of remembrance
What is the term that refers to the means by which Jesus Christ enabled reconciliation between God and humanity.
When did the Ascension take place?
40 days after the Resurrection
What is "Eschatology"?
The Study of the End Times
What is Paul's Hebrew name?
How many yards are between two endzones of an American football field?
100 yards
What does Cinderella leave behind at the ball?
Glass Slipper
Which model of Sacrament states that Sacraments are they are objective, because they do something to the recipient.
Means of Grace
Which Theory of Atonement states Christ averts the wrath of God upon humanity by sacrificing himself in their place.
What is the Ascension?
When Jesus ascends to Heaven to sit at the right hand of the Father?
What does "Apocalypse" literally mean?
Who was the first Christian martyr?
What boxer is known as "The Greatest?"
Muhammed Ali
What does Ursula take from Ariel in The Little Mermaid?
Her voice
Which Church Organization is a decentralized system, though often use “conventions” for mutual support.
Which Theory of Atonement states Christ rebalances the universe by suffering unjustly the fate that awaits humanity?
Satisfaction Theory
This view of the after life states there is an "in between" place where one is cleansed before making it into "heaven"
What religious sect did Paul belong to?
The Pharisees
In bowling, what is it called when you get three strikes in a row?
Buzz and Woody are toys belonging to which child?
Which Church Organization is a "Bottom-Up" system, with ultimate authority usually invested in a council.
Which theory of Atonement states that Christ reclaims humanity’s story by reliving it?
What is Pentecost?
The Pouring out of the Spirit on the church
This view of the after life states there are hell and paradise as intermediate states before heaven
Two States
What city was Paul born in?
What term is used to indicate that a player has zero points in a game of tennis?
In the film Tangled, who is the intruder who helps Rapunzel out of her tower to see the world?
Flynn Ryder
Which Church Organization is "Top Down" with ultimate authority invested in a single leader or council. or council?
Which Theologian put forth the Substitution Theory?
John Calvin
What does "Pneumatomachians" mean literally?
Those who fight against the Spirit
This view of the after life states the soul is not conscious between death and resurrection
Soul Sleep
What did the word "Martyr" literally mean?
What is a soccer field called?
Who is Mufasa’s brother?