What is a personal pronoun?
A personal pronoun is a word that replaces a noun, like a person's name, and refers to a specific person, place, or thing in a sentence, such as "I," "you," "he," "she,".
What is a possessive pronoun?
A possessive pronoun is a pronoun used to indicate ownership of something, such as "mine," "yours," "his," "hers," "ours".
Define a common noun.
A person, place, or thing.
Define a proper noun.
proper noun refers to a specific, named person, place, or thing; the key difference is that proper nouns are always capitalized, whereas common nouns are not unless they start a sentence.
What are nouns?
person, place, or thing.
Give three examples of personal pronouns.
She, it, you, he, they, etc.
List five possessive pronouns.
Mine, theirs, his, hers, its.
Provide three examples of common nouns.
dog, school, book, salad, building, street, girl, etc.
Give three examples of proper nouns.
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What is the difference between a noun and a pronoun?
A noun is a word that names a person, place, thing, or idea, while a pronoun is a word used in place of a noun to avoid repetition.
Identify the personal pronoun in the sentence: "She went to the store."
Complete the sentence with a possessive pronoun: "This book is __ (mine/yours)."
Identify the common noun in the sentence: "The dog barked loudly."
Identify the proper noun in this sentence: "Paris is the capital of France.
Explain the importance of nouns and pronouns in a sentence.
answers will vary.
Identify the personal pronoun in the sentence: "Maria and I went to the park yesterday."
Rewrite the sentence using a possessive pronoun: "The backpack of John is blue."
"His backpack is blue."
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Rewrite this sentence using a proper noun: "The city is beautiful."
Give an example of a sentence that uses both a noun and a pronoun.
What is the difference between first-person and third-person personal pronouns?
A first-person pronoun refers to the speaker themselves, using "I" and "we," while a third-person pronoun refers to someone or something else, using "he," "she," "it," and "they".
Is "you" and "your" second or third person?
Second person.
What is the difference between a common noun and a proper noun?
common noun refers to a general category of people, places, or things, while a proper noun refers to a specific, named person, place, or thing
Why are proper nouns always capitalized?
They are specific names of a person, place, or thing.